File Downloads

[ Last updated: Fri Jan 9 13:27:57 2004 ]

  1. 3rd Edition PDF Files

    In this directory you will find PDF files for character sheets of each of the classes in 3rd Edition. Please note that the copyright for these sheets specifically says "personal use only", so they are for use only within our gaming group, and specifically, within the campaign(s) where I'm the DM. [Not here because of size constraints. Maybe later?]

  2. Alchemist Class

    Here are the contents of the Anlax'ii book on alchemy. There is more to follow, with proficiencies and other such stuff.

  3. common.tgz No dependencies.

    This is a collection of Perl modules used by many of my D&D-related Perl scripts. Some are require'd and some are use'd; there hasn't been any general cleanup done in this area yet.

    dbparse2.plThis script parses an INI-like text file and generates a hashed array of hashes and arrays. :-) I use the INI file format to store character information. You can see an example of it here. In addition, the get_ability_scores subroutine can retrieve the row of information for a statistic when given the name of the ability and the score. For example, @row = &Parse::get_ability_scores("STR", "18/10"); would retrieve the values for an 18/10 strength (only exceptional strength needs to be inside double quotes, because of the slash).
    htmlbase.plThe purpose of this file is to store all of the directory information for all D&D-related scripts. That way, with a single change in this file, I can regenerate all of the data files for new directories and paths. There are also a couple of functions which take a spell name and convert it to a filename (for Unix boxes and "ease of use").
    parsedata.plThis file holds information needed by the spell planners, planner and pd, in order to expand the terse format used in the spell database into a more English-like language. It also contains cross-reference information from short school/sphere names into long ones, i.e. 'il' means 'Illusion'. The spheres that deities provide access to, and the titles given to their priests, are also stored here, so that the spell planner can be given a deity name and it'll figure out which spells to put on the spell planner.
    parser.pmThis is a hack! Its function is to help parse data that I've OCR'ed from other sources. For example, the Wizard Spell Cards are an easy way to scan in spell descriptions (back before the Core Rules CD came out). This module would suck in the OCR'ed text and generate HTML output. The interesting part of this is that the spell planner database was used to create an indexed dbm file of spell names, so that as the HTML is created, references to other spells automatically become hyperlinks in the resulting file generated by this module! Requires some wrapper scripts which (currently) are not included on this web site. if you're interested, send me some email.

  4. priestfont.tgz No dependencies.

    This is a postscript font built from vector-based graphics which resemble the TSR priest sphere glyphs. The font is designed to be used with the GNU groff(1) tool, and it is expected that the font will be automatically downloaded to the printer by either groff or the operating system's spooling subsystem. A README file is included which details the font development technique and describes the installation process.

  5. spell_planner.tgz Requires common.tgz and priestfont.tgz.

    This is the Spell Planner database and application. It consists of a number of detail databases, stored as ASCII files. For example, detail.pri4 contains information on Level 4 priests' spells, and detail.wiz1 contains information on Level 1 wizards' spells. In addition, planner is in here. Planner generates groff(1) input which uses the Priest-Spheres postscript font, above. Another script, called pd, does the same thing, but generates an ASCII spell planner instead of generating groff(1) input.