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Bourne Shell Programming

Duration: 3 days


Individuals requiring a mastery of the command line interface to the UNIX operating system. This includes system administrators, programmers, and power users.

Course Contents

  1. Review of Useful Shell Commands

  2. Using Redirection, Pipes, Command and Variable Substitution

  3. Command Line Parsing

  4. The Shell Environment

  5. Creating and Using Shell Scripts

  6. Advanced Uses of Variables in Expressions

  7. Program Flow Control (conditional statements)

  8. Program Flow Control (loop and branch statements)

  9. The set Command (Bourne Shell options)

  10. Debugging Programs

  11. Using the trap Command (signal handling)

  12. Using Temporary Files Effectively

  13. Advanced Programming Techniques

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to write Bourne Shell scripts using the following features and more:

Instructional Technique

Students are invited to bring their current ideas and questions to the classroom for discussion. Case studies, lecture, group problem solving, and online laboratories will be used. Students will be encouraged to enhance their skills utilizing the techniques presented through classroom problem solving and controlled online workshops.


Familiarity with UNIX commands, directory structure, and the text editor. See the catalog Appendix for courses which satisfy this requirement.

Programming skills are not required, but are helpful.